Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jarlsberg [as in the cheese!]

Our friends in Holmestrand sent us off with a bang.  We rounded out of stay in this wonderful city with visits to Hydro and Langoya Island which is home to NOAH.  Both companies are excellent examples of Norway's sustainability & efficiency.

We were then invited to Tor's house for a final group dinner with all of our host families and several of our hosts throughout the week.  It was an evening filled with lots of laughs as well as some tears.  I didn't expect to make such a deep connection with people in such a short time but I will really miss them - I think I will miss Hanna the most.  It was so special to have the opportunity to stay with someone close to my age.  I made her promise to come visit me in the states!
[a sweet note from Hanna before I left]

This morning we all met at the Holmestrand rail station to be passed along to our next hosts - the Jarlsberg Rotary Club.  We are now staying in the city of Tonsburg.  This week Christy & I were paired up to stay together at the home of Bente.  Bente is a spunky woman who I am sure we will get along with quite well :)

Our only scheduled program for the day was a visit to Sem Church and the home of Count Wedel-Jarlsburg, descendant to Herman Wedel-Jarlsburg who played a big role in securing Norway's independence. This included a private tour by the current Count [well he technically isn't a Count anymore Norway doesn't have nobilities anymore.]
[Sem Church]

[Jarlsberg Estate]

[Jarlsberg Estate inside]

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I also visited Sem church and was impressed with the medieval architecture. I also liked the Manor located nearby. However I am interested in visiting the home of Count Wedel-Jarlsburg.
    I have just found your Blog about this place and learnt that you were able to visit the home of the count.
    May I ask you: what kind of tour did you have and how is it possible to arrange a private
    Thank you for your reply.
